Malice by Danielle Steel Paperback Book


Rent Malice

Author: Danielle Steel

Format: Mass Market Paperback, Abridged-CD

Publisher: Bantam Books (Mm)

Published: May 1997

Genre: Fiction - General

Retail Price: $8.99

Pages: 416


Grace Adams has had a hard life. She was molested by her father whom she murders in self defense after the funeral of her beloved mother; after serving time for the murder she escapes a miserable post-jail existence and heads for New York, where she takes a job at a law firm and volunteers at a battered women's shelter. When the husband of one of the battered women brutally beats her, Grace awakens to find her boss from the law firm at her bedside declaring his love. The two marry and when he runs for the senate, the media savagely expose Grace's checkered past. Can love conquer all?

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