Noelle by Diana Palmer Paperback Book


Rent Noelle

Author: Diana Palmer

Format: Quality Paperback, Paperback

Publisher: Harlequin Books

Published: Nov 2009

Genre: Fiction - Romance - Historical

Retail Price: $14.95

Pages: 384


Like most of the young ladies in Fort Worth, Noelle Brown was smitten by handsome, charming Andrew Paige. But when she challenged the steely-eyed gaze of his sterother Jared, something inside her felt a little wild, a little thrilled...a little afraid.

He was a big-city lawyer with a killer's stance -- a desperado turned lawman, disillusioned with life and haunted by a past he couldn't escape. But this tender, green girl, with her flashfire temper and her unconventional ways, tempted and tormented him with a sweet, maddening passion.

Rivalry would pit brother against brother and scandal would rock their lives. And Noelle would have to convince a man unwilling to believe in love that only he could still the anguish in her heart -- and fulfill the promise of their destiny together....

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