Noelle by Diana Palmer Paperback Book


Rent Noelle

Author: Diana Palmer

Format: Mass Market Paperback

Publisher: Harlequin Books

Published: Nov 2009

Genre: Fiction - Romance - Historical

Retail Price: $7.99

Pages: 384


After a devastating flood orphaned Noelle Brown, she thought her handsome and charming benefactor, Andrew Paige, could be the man of her dreams. So why did his steely-eyed older sterother, Jared Dunn, make her heart race and her breath catch in her throat?

Desperado turned lawman, Jared had come home to Fort Worth, Texas, ready to leave his dangerous past behind. The green-eyed, feisty young woman his sterother had taken in wasn't the gold digger Jared had expected. Far from it—the unconventional, innocent beauty needed his guidance to learn the ways of high society, a task he found surprisingly enjoyable.

When scandal threatened them all, Noelle would be forced to marry to save the family's honor. But which brother had truly captured her heart? With rivalry pitting brother against brother, one thing was for certain—this wouldn't be a marriage of convenience!

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