Perfect Peace: a Novel by Daniel Black Paperback Book


Rent Perfect Peace: a Novel

Author: Daniel Black

Format: Quality Paperback

Publisher: St. Martin's Griffin

Published: Dec 2011

Genre: Fiction - Literary

Retail Price: $19.00

Pages: 352


The heartbreaking portrait of a large, rural southern family's attempt to grapple with their mother's desperate decision to make her newborn son into the daughter she will never have

When the seventh child of the Peace family, named Perfect, turns eight, her mother Emma Jean tells her bewildered daughter, "You was born a boy. I made you a girl. But that ain't what you was supposed to be. So, from now on, you gon' be a boy. It'll be a little strange at first, but you'll get used to it, and this'll be over after while." From this point forward, his life becomes a bizarre kaleidoscope of events. Meanwhile, the Peace family is forced to question everything they thought they knew about gender, sexuality, unconditional love, and fulfillment.

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