Format: Quality Paperback
Publisher: Quest
Published: Oct 2006
Genre: Fiction - Lesbian
Retail Price: $15.95
Pages: 196
What do you do when the mistakes you made in the past come back to slap you in the face with a vengeance? Jo Carlisle, a fifty-seven year old photojournalist, has only begun to adjust to retirement on her small ranch outside Kerrville, Texas, when she finds herself unwillingly sucked into an investigation of illegal aliens being smuggled into the United States to fill the ranks of cheap labor needed to increase corporate profits. Joanna is a woman who has always lived life her way and on her own terms, enjoying a career that had given her everything she thought she ever wanted or needed. An unexpected visit by her former lover, Cate Hammond, and the attempted murder of their son, forces Jo to finally face what she had given up. Although she hasn't seen Cate or their son for fifteen years, she finds that the feelings she had for Cate had only been dormant, but had never died. No matter how much she fights her attraction to Cate, Jo cannot help but wonder whether she had made the right decision when she chose career and independence over love. Jo comes to understand the true meaning of friendship and love only when her investigation endangers not only her life, but also the lives of the people around her.