Ready for a Scare? by P. J. Night Paperback Book


Rent Ready for a Scare?

Author: P. J. Night

Format: Quality Paperback

Publisher: Simon Spotlight

Published: Aug 2011

Genre: Children & Young Adults Fiction - Horror & Ghost Stories

Retail Price: $7.99

Pages: 160


Birthday girl and queen of all things spooky, Kelly Garcia is all set to have the perfect night. First her parents are going out of town. And although they hired a babysitter, Kelly is excited to basically be on her own. And then there's the sleepover she's having—a virtual, webcam sleepover where she and her friends can scare each other silly by telling ghost stories and summoning the spirit of Miss Mary, a woman from their small town who died tragically a long time ago. But when her friends start disappearing one by one and the babysitter is nowhere to be found, Kelly starts getting scared . . . for real. Is Miss Mary's ghost kidnapping everyone? Will Kelly be next?

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