Renegade by Lora Leigh Paperback Book
76 Rating(s)


Rent Renegade

Author: Lora Leigh

Format: Mass Market Paperback

Publisher: St. Martin's Press

Published: Aug 2010

Genre: Fiction - Romance - Suspense

Retail Price: $7.99


As a bridal shop owner, Mikayla Martin helps make women's wedding dreams come true. Her own life, however, has become a nightmare since she witnessed a murder—and got an up-close-and-personal look at the killer. What's worse: She knows she knows him. But the police, after doing an alibi check, don't believe her. It's up to Mikayla to prove them wrong…and do whatever it takes to solve the murder by herself.

Elite Ops agent Nikolai Steele, code name Renegade, is asked to pay an old comrade a favor. This friend swears he's no killer—and Nik believes him—even though he's been mistaken as one by Mikayla. So Nik goes to set her straight…but the moment he lays eyes on the fiery and determined beauty, he knows he's in too deep. A woman this irresistible can only mean trouble and, sure enough, after sticking her nose in one too many places, someone wants Mikayla dead. Now Nik must find a way to keep her safe, clear his friend's name, and find the real killer, who remains on the loose…

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BookLender review by Erin on 2011-10-26 10:25:13

I find it incredibly ironic that this book is dedicated to the editor. As with all of the other books in this series, I cant believe that a national publisher would allow a book to be printed with so many errors!! On one page in Renegade, Mikaylas mom is referred to as Jorrey Ramsey rather than Jorrey Martin, and her father is called Mr. Ramsey rather than Ramsey Martin. And in one chapter Nik pulls up in a Hummer and leaves on a Harley. And what really annoys me is that Nik twists the key to start his Harley. Seriously?! Does no one involved in the publishing process know that Harley�s are not started by twisting a key?! In another books of this series, one of the characters is called a completely different name in the last quarter of the book. Proofreading rant aside, this series is full of cheesy male characters, whiney female characters, and enough superfluous adjectives to fill and entire thesaurus. The characters are developed as individuals, but relationships never are they are just suddenly madly in love for no reason. In Renegade, Mikayla and Nik have one short dinner together. There is no other conversation, actual or implied, between them before they are obsessed with each other. The only reason I continue to read this series is because I want to get to Jordan and Tehya�s story, but I probably shouldn�t bother. I�m sure it won�t be any better and will also be full of errors.