Runaway by Skye Sinclair Paperback Book


Rent Runaway

Author: Skye Sinclair

Format: Quality Paperback

Publisher: Hodder & Stoughton

Published: Oct 2008

Genre: Biography & Autobiography - Personal Memoirs

Retail Price: $13.95

Pages: 288


Skye's story is one of survival against the odds. Abandoned by her mother at the age of four and placed in a series of horrible institutions, she learned to fend for herself from an early age. After a horrific rape when she was 10, she ran awy from the home and went to live with the gypsies in the New Forest. She always yearned for freedom and was fearless and impulsive. Her curiosity took her all over the world—from the abattoirs of France at the age of 15 to the dizzy heights of the Paris fashion world, on to the underbelly of Amsterdam where she became a diamond smuggler at the age of 17 and then to the film studios of Hollywood where she worked as a stunt woman on films like The Blues Brothers. Her life took a very different turn when she moved to the island of Phuket in Thailand, adopted four children from different backgrounds, and started to sponsor another three. With a group of friends she helped set up an orphanage for street children in neighboring Cambodia who were eking out a miserable existence in a garbage dump. At the age of 45 her life revolves around children, both her own four and the Cambodians she has pledged to help.

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