Someday My Prince Will Come: True Adventures of a Wannabe Princess by Jerramy Fine Paperback Book


Rent Someday My Prince Will Come: True Adventures of a Wannabe Princess

Author: Jerramy Fine

Format: Quality Paperback

Publisher: Gotham Books

Published: Feb 2009

Genre: Biography & Autobiography - Personal Memoirs

Retail Price: $15.00

Pages: 272


The charming story of a small-town girl who dreams of finding love with a real-life English prince—and who's willing to go to hilarious lengths to make her fairy tale come true

Most young girls dream of becoming a princess. But unlike most girls, Jerramy Fine never grew out of it. Strangely drawn to the English royal family since she was a child, Jerramy spends her childhood writing love letters to Buckingham Palace and absorbing any information she can find on modern-day princesses throughout the world. Years later, when her sense of destiny finally brings her to London, Jerramy navigates the murky waters of English social circles, etiquette, and dating with hilarious results.

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