Star Wars: Fate of the Jedi: Ascension by Christie Golden Paperback Book


Rent Star Wars: Fate of the Jedi: Ascension

Author: Christie Golden

Narrator: Thompson, Marc

Format: Unabridged-CD

Publisher: Random House Audio

Published: Aug 2011

Genre: Fiction - Science Fiction - Space Opera

Retail Price: $45.00


How long can the Jedi remain in power?
How far will the Sith go to rule supreme?
What chance do both stand against Abeloth?

As Luke and Ben Skywalker pursue the formidable dark-side being Abeloth, the Lost Tribe of the Sith is about to be sundered by an even greater power—which will thrust one Dark Lord into mortal conflict with his own flesh-and-blood.

On Coruscant, a political vacuum has left tensions at the boiling point, with factions racing to claim control of the Galactic Alliance. Suddenly surrounded by hidden agendas, treacherous conspiracies, and covert Sith agents, the Jedi Order must struggle to keep the GA government from collapsing into anarchy.

The Jedi are committed to maintaining peace and ensuring just rule, but even they are not prepared to take on the combined threats of Sith power, a deposed dictator bent on galaxywide vengeance, and an entity of pure cunning and profound evil hungry to become a god.

From the Hardcover edition.

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