The Chosen by Verda H. Foster Paperback Book


Rent The Chosen

Author: Verda H. Foster

Format: Quality Paperback

Publisher: Intaglio Publications

Published: Dec 2005

Genre: Fiction - Lesbian

Pages: 204


In the feudal kingdom of Ryshta , there are masters and there are slaves. The servants labor for their arrogant lords, who treat them little better than animals. That's the way it's always been. But the slaves are waiting for the coming of The Chosen One, the prophesied leader who will take them out of their bondage. A chance encounter separates Roslin, daughter of the king, from her privileged world. She takes refuge in a peasant community where she finds herself drawn to the charismatic Brice, leader of the slaves' rebellion. Is Brice indeed the Chosen? The old order is eventually overturned and the slaves win their liberty. But in the new, free world, the unveiling of a carefully kept secret has as much impact on the ex-slaves as the rebellion had on their ex-masters. And Brice and Roslin have to face their own challenges as they explore their love for each other. Verda Foster has written a novel of remarkable insight which seeks to answer some very fundamental questions about social convention and perception. At the same time, she gives us a gripping story of love, battle and outstanding moral courage. This new edition of one of Open Books most consistent sellers is being expanded and refined to give this timeless story a new level of depth and emotion.

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