The Crazyladies of Pearl Street by Trevanian Paperback Book


Rent The Crazyladies of Pearl Street

Author: Trevanian

Format: Paperback

Publisher: Random House Inc

Published: Jun 2006

Genre: Fiction - Historical - General

Retail Price: $17.00

Pages: 384


In this highly autobiographical saga of life in the ’30s, the LaPointe family--Jean-Luc, Anne-Marie, and their mother--settle in Albany, NY, on Pearl Street, an Irish-American enclave. It’s been years since they’ve seen the man of the house, who flitted out of their lives and is always threatening to flit back in--but never does. Meanwhile, Jean-Luc is a bookish, inventive, and unfailingly interesting boy, and his childhood is lovingly chronicled by the writer known as Trevanian (Rodney Whitaker) in a setting brought to life with all its local color intact.

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