The Female Brain by Louann Brizendine Paperback Book


Rent The Female Brain

Author: Louann Brizendine

Format: Quality Paperback

Publisher: Broadway Books

Published: Aug 2007

Genre: Psychology - Neuropsychology

Retail Price: $17.99

Pages: 304


Every brain begins as a female brain. It only becomes male eight weeks after conception, when excess testosterone shrinks the communications center, reduces the hearing cortex, and makes the part of the brain that processes sex twice as large.

Louann Brizendine, M.D. is a pioneering neuropsychiatrist who brings together the latest findings to show how the unique structure of the female brain determines how women think, what they value, how they communicate, and whom they'll love. Brizendine reveals the neurological explanations behind why

' A woman uses about 20,000 words per day while a man uses about 7,000

' A woman remembers fights that a man insists never happened

' A teen girl is so obsessed with her looks and talking on the phone

' Thoughts about sex enter a woman's brain once every couple of days but enter a man's brain about once every minute

' A woman knows what people are feeling, while a man can't spot an emotion unless somebody cries or threatens bodily harm

' A woman over 50 is more likely to initiate divorce than a man

Women will come away from this book knowing that they have a lean, mean communicating machine. Men will develop a serious case of brain envy.

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BookLender review by Nicole on 2009-03-18 18:25:56

I didn't finish reading this book. It was so boring, and full of rambling scientifics. The toddler stuff was interesting, but as soon as we hit puberty...BAM...the world and everyday of everyone's life revolves around the menstrual cycle. Every cliche times five came out and the extreme is made to sound like normal.