The Grand Tour by Patricia C. Wrede Paperback Book


Rent The Grand Tour

Author: Patricia C. Wrede

Format: Quality Paperback

Publisher: Harcourt Brace and Company

Published: Mar 2006

Genre: Children & Young Adults Fiction - Fantasy & Magic

Retail Price: $21.95

Pages: 469


Kate and Cecy and their new husbands, Thomas and James, are off on a leisurely tour of the Continent. But once they arrive in France, strange things start to happen. Cecy receives a mysterious package, Thomas's valet is assaulted, and Kate loses a glove. Soon it becomes clear that the newlyweds have stumbled upon a magical plot to take over Europe, and they must embark on a daring chase to thwart the evil conspiracy. There's likely more trouble ahead--for when you mix Kate and Cecy and magic, who knows what's going to happen next!

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