The Great Railway Bazaar by Paul Theroux Paperback Book


Rent The Great Railway Bazaar

Author: Paul Theroux

Format: Paperback

Publisher: Houghton Mifflin

Published: Jun 2006

Genre: Fiction - Literary

Retail Price: $21.99

Pages: 342


Paul Theroux revolutionized travel writing with his 1975 book THE GREAT RAILWAY BAZAAR, a stirring and very personal account of his travels by railway from London to Tokyo and back. Choosing to go by train, alone, and with minimal gear, afforded the intrepid Theroux the opportunity of encountering a fascinating galaxy of fellow travelers (who range from merely colorful to downright eccentric) as he makes his way across the continents of Europe and Asia, and of seeing the ever-changing landscape close-up. Theroux himself is, of course, the main character--sometimes arrogant, often impatient, always bluntly realistic, and ever-curious, eloquent, and very, very funny.

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