The Independence of Miss Mary Bennet by Colleen McCullough Paperback Book


Rent The Independence of Miss Mary Bennet

Author: Colleen McCullough

Narrator: Jen Taylor

Format: Unabridged-CD, Paperback

Publisher: Audiogo

Published: Jan 2012

Genre: Fiction - Historical - General

Retail Price: $29.95

Discs: 11


Readers of Pride and Prejudice will remember that there were five Bennet sisters. Lizzy Bennet married Mr. Darcy, Jane Bennet married Mr. Bingley—but what became of the middle daughter, Mary? Now, twenty years on, Jane has a happy marriage and large family; Lizzy and Mr. Darcy now have a formidable social reputation; Lydia has a reputation of quite another kind; Kitty is much in demand in London's parlors and ballrooms; but what of Mary? Mary is quietly celebrating her independence, having nursed her ailing mother for many years. She decides to write a book to bring the plight of the poor to everyone's attention. But with more resolve than experience, as she sets out to travel around the country, it's not only her family who are concerned about her…

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