The Jumbo Duct Tape Book by Jim Berg Paperback Book


Rent The Jumbo Duct Tape Book

Author: Jim Berg

Format: Quality Paperback

Publisher: Workman Publishing

Published: Sep 2000

Genre: Humor - General

Retail Price: $9.95

Pages: 453


Did you know that duct tape can turn any item of clothing into rainwear? That duct tape over a computer screen will keep your kids from surfing naughty sites on the Web? That a perfect solution for those easy-to-lose TV remotes is to duct tape them to your arm? (Not only won't you lose it, you'll never have to relinquish control over it, either!) But can you also believe that Jim and Tim's creative ideas for duct tape spawned not just one bestselling book, but three, plus a calendar? And now the ultimate collection?

With two-thirds of the material drawn from their previous books and calendars and one-third all-new, The Jumbo Duct Tape Book is pure nuttiness to the nth degree. The premise is right there, on page one: "One rule can get you through life. It if ain't stuck and it's supposed to be, duct tape it." But of course it's the interpretation that counts-like duct taping the gas pedal for cruise control, or duct taping marbles to your pressure points for instant reflexology. And then there's bending the rule-transforming sneakers into golf shoes by punching nails through duct tape and taping it to the soles, saving energy by taping all switches in the off position. Plus cosmetic dentistry (use white tape for the "The Mask" look, silver for the metal-mouth bad guy look), cell phone safety (tape phone to side of head while driving so hands stay on wheel), home decorating (use duct tape for easy drapery tie-backs). You can even convert the book to a "hard cover" by taping a piece of 1/4 inch sheet of plate steel to the front and back covers. It'll last for years!

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