The Mandelbaum Gate: A Novel by Muriel Spark Paperback Book


Rent The Mandelbaum Gate: A Novel

Author: Muriel Spark

Format: Quality Paperback

Publisher: Open Road Media

Published: Oct 2018

Genre: Fiction - Espionage

Retail Price: $23.99

Pages: 334


For Barbara Vaughn, a checkpoint between Jordan and the newly formed Israel is the threshold to painful self-discovery Barbara Vaughn is a scholarly woman whose fascination with religion stems partly from a conversion to Catholicism, and partly from her own half-Jewish background. When her boyfriend joins an archaeological excursion to search for additional Dead Sea Scrolls, Vaughn takes the opportunity to explore the Holy Land. But this is 1960, and with the nation of Israel still in its infancy, the British Empire in retreat from the region, and the Eichmann trials in full swing, Vaughn uncovers much deeper mysteries than those found at tourist sites.  Both an espionage thriller and a journey of faith, TheMandelbaum Gate won the James Tait Black Memorial Prize upon its publication, and is one of Spark's most compelling novels.  

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