Format: Paperback
Publisher: Harpercollins
Published: Sep 2004
Genre: Fiction - General
Retail Price: $17.99
Pages: 722
Twenty years after her military officer father is forced to choose between loyalties in the wake of a local murder in the early 1960s, Madeleine begins to understand the case's implication and launches a search for the killer. By the author of Fall On Your Knees. Reader's Guide available. Reprint.
With the publication of her first novel, THE HEART IS A LONELY HUNTER, Carson McCullers, all of twenty-three, became a literary sensation. With its...
Christopher John Francis Boone knows all the countries of the world and their capitals and every prime number up to 7,057. He relates well to animals...
Canadian writer Mary Lawson's debut novel is a beautifully crafted and shimmering tale of love, death, and redemption. The story, narrated by ...
Luanne Rice is a rarity among novelists today; she's a true storyteller. Her unique ability to weave together the bonds of love and family with the...
[A]n impressively researched, challenging novel debut....The particulars and consequences of the 'right' of humans to own other humans are dramatized...
Jodi Picoult's twelfth novel is permeated with themes from Dante's INFERNO. Daniel Stone, a successful graphic novelist, is working on a new book...
When her younger brother, Danny, commits suicide, Sayre Lynch breaks her vow never to return to her Louisiana hometown, and gets drawn back into her...
A teenage boy named Michael is befriended by Hanna, a mysterious older married woman. Years later as a law student, he attends a criminal trial in...
Like the author's other novel, Fall on Your Knees, this is a beautifully-written book that you will long remember. Yes, it is a mystery but the real story goes on in the girl's head as she matures. This is not a quick read it is a book to be savored and, possibly, reread.