Things My Girlfriend and I Have Argued About by Mil Millington Paperback Book


Rent Things My Girlfriend and I Have Argued About

Author: Mil Millington

Format: Paperback

Publisher: Random House Inc

Published: Jan 2003

Genre: Fiction - Humorous

Retail Price: $17.00

Pages: 373


When Pel is promoted to head his IT department, he finds that his new job involves some very shady elements, and Pel realizes too late that he's going to take the rap for his predecessor, who has mysteriously disappeared. Meanwhile, Pel and his girlfriend Ursula spend too much of their time arguing about everything from sex to the kids to the car. This humorous first novel is by a British writer who maintains a website called THINGS MY GIRLFRIEND AND I HAVE ARGUED ABOUT, and much of the material in the book is taken from that source.

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