Till Death Us Do Part: A True Murder Mystery by Vincent Bugliosi Paperback Book


Rent Till Death Us Do Part: A True Murder Mystery

Author: Vincent Bugliosi

Format: Quality Paperback

Publisher: W. W. Norton & Company

Published: May 2004

Genre: True Crime - Murder

Retail Price: $27.95

Pages: 294


On December 11, 1966, a mysterious assassin shot Henry Stockton to death, set his house on fire, and left the scene without a trace. A year later, when a woman was found brutally killed, shreds of evidence suggested a connection between the two murders.
In the Palliko-Stockton trial, prosecutor Vincent Bugliosi offered a brilliant summation that synthesized for the jury the many inferences and shades of meaning in the testimony, fitting all the pieces together in a mosaic of guilt. But will the jury be persuaded?

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