Tout Sweet: Hanging Up My High Heels for a New Life in France by Karen Wheeler Paperback Book


Rent Tout Sweet: Hanging Up My High Heels for a New Life in France

Author: Karen Wheeler

Format: Quality Paperback

Publisher: Sourcebooks

Published: Aug 2011

Genre: Biography & Autobiography - Personal Memoirs

Retail Price: $14.99

Pages: 320


In her mid-thirties, fashion editor Karen has it all: a handsome boyfriend, a fab flat in west London, and an array of gorgeus shoes. But when her boyfriend, Eric, leaves she makes an unexpected decision: to hang up her Manolos and wave good-bye to her glamorous city lifestyle to go it alone in a run-down house in rural Poitou-Charentes, central western France.

Tout Sweet is the perfect read for anyone who dreams of chucking away their BlackBerry in favor of real blackberrying and downshifting to a romantic, alluring locale where new friendships–and new loves–are just some of the treasures to be found amongst life's simple pleasures.

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