Format: Mass Market Paperback
Publisher: Berkley Pub Group
Published: Aug 2004
Genre: Fiction - Romance - Contemporary
Retail Price: $7.99
Pages: 294
Undead, and unable to shake her penchant for shoes, Betsy Taylor, the new Queen of the Vampires, gets a job selling designer footwear at Macy's while trying to catch a vicious vampire slayer with the help of a gorgeous ally. Original.
Three noble brothers from an enchanted land where pleasure is a commandment wreak havoc on the lives of three very special women in this sinful...
In order to save the world, werewolf Derik Gardner is given the task of heading to sunny California to destroy the reincarnation of the powerful...
Unfailingly optimistic Emma Corrigan has a problem. During an episode of flight turbulence, she tells her troubles (the job she hates, the seemingly...
Roz is a woman of independent means who thinks love is all in the past--but she's about to be taken by surprise. Number-one bestselling author Nora...
IIt's been a helluva week for Betsy Taylor. First, she loses her job. Then, to top things off, she's killed in a car accident. But what really bites...
Dear Reader:Have you ever wanted to know what it's like to be immortal? To journey through the night stalking the evil that preys on humans? To have...
After finding her fianc in a compromsing position with a washing machine repairman and attending a wedding in which she served as a bridesmaid, Clare...
When I snort out loud on the train home and don�t care that my fellow commuters are staring at me, then that�s a funny book. I just love the swearing, sassy, smart-alecky, comments of Betsy and her crazy pals. The Blade Warriors were hilarious and I enjoyed the writing from the perspective of the police and the priest. Keep it up Maryjanice Davidson I enjoy the laughs, even when I get dirty looks from those around me.
This book will have you in tears with it's hilarity. Betsy is a shallow, annoying, lovable shoe-aholic who curses like a sailor. This series only gets better with each book and the fact that Betsys' biggest enjoyment in this book is the fact the she gets a job selling shoes at Macy's is enjoyable.