Wait and See: Finding Peace in God's Pauses and Plans by Wendy Pope Paperback Book


Rent Wait and See: Finding Peace in God's Pauses and Plans

Author: Wendy Pope

Format: Quality Paperback

Publisher: David C. Cook

Published: Oct 2016

Genre: Religion - Christian Life - Women's Issues

Retail Price: $17.99

Pages: 240


Every woman struggles with times of waiting—for a spouse, a child, a job. In Wait and See, Wendy Pope guides readers to focus on the Person of their faith rather than the object of their wait. Pope draws on the story of King David, who was anointed king nearly twenty years before he took his throne.

This hands-on guidebook invites readers to record their own waiting discoveries. With practical suggestions and real-life stories, Pope shows readers how they can be active in the present as they hope for the future.

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