Wild At Heart: Discovering the Secret of a Man's Soul by John Eldredge Paperback Book


Rent Wild At Heart: Discovering the Secret of a Man's Soul

Author: John Eldredge

Narrator: John Eldredge

Format: Unabridged-MP3, Unabridged-CD

Publisher: Oasis Audio

Published: Jan 2004

Genre: Religion - Devotional

Retail Price: $19.99

Discs: 1


John Eldredge presents a bold, Christian-based view of men, urging them to accept the wild, sometimes dangerous (but not destructive) soul within. Acknowledging that many churches present a single model of a timid, even fearful man, Eldredge says that such teaching restricts believers and causes many to turn away from the great gifts of God. Eldredge explains how a man can be true to his inner self, live life more fully, and grow within the freedom of a Christian life.

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