Yoga Mind, Peaceful Mind: Simple Meditations for Anxiety and Emotional Healing by Mary NurrieStearns Paperback Book


Rent Yoga Mind, Peaceful Mind: Simple Meditations for Anxiety and Emotional Healing

Author: Mary NurrieStearns

Format: Quality Paperback

Publisher: New Harbinger Publications

Published: Apr 2015

Genre: Self-help - Stress Management

Retail Price: $19.95

Pages: 200


What is a "yoga mind?" And how can it help calm anxiety, heal painful thoughts, soothe stress, and bring a lasting sense of well-being?

If you've heard of the many health benefits of practicing yoga, but are unsure of the physical demands commonly associated with postures, this book is the perfect answer. In Yoga Mind, Peaceful Mind, two seasoned yoga teachers present gentle meditations to help you overcome anxiety and stress so you can live a more enjoyable life. Furthermore, the book's emphasis on yoga's contemplativetradition, rather than postures (or, asanas), makes it perfect for people from all walks of life, including those with physical disabilities.  

In the book, you'll find 160 powerful, daily meditations that are filled with thoughtful, touching insights. Each of the meditations provides an inspirational quote, a discussion of teachings and instructions from the yoga tradition, and affirmations to remember and live by every day. If you are ready to overcome anxiety and stress and take back your life, the simple practices in this book will help you achieve true peace of mind.

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