Channeling Inspiration

by Emily Roberts on April 20, 2013

Most of us read books and stories to be inspired and have a refreshed outlook on life. Even the most popular authors and novelists today need their fair share of bookworming to be able to channel their own creative thoughts and ideas onto a piece of paper (or on the computer screen).

That is the great thing about readers and writers – most of the time, they are one and the same. The words that fill the world with stories and dreams belong in an endless cycle of inspiring one person and the next – and that person provides inspiration for another person – and so on. It may be hard to believe, but even the renowned poets and writers that we know today have their own sources of inspiration that not only inspire them to write extremely well, but also help them course through life with a better outlook.

In fact, experts even recommend reading other works and books whenever authors experience the infamous writer’s block. This isn’t to get similar ideas to copy and make versions of, but an intricate process that cleanses one’s palate and provides an opportunity to see things differently – thus stimulating inspiration and newfound ideas.

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