Summary of Posts: February 17th 2013

by Emily Roberts on February 17, 2013

The great debate between ebooks and printed books rages on in this cycle’s articles. In one article, a completely paperless library is set to open in Texas. In another article, a writer explains how captivating printed books are to the average reader. Are printed books going to become antiques? Take a look at this cycle’s articles and decide for yourself:

  • Guy Laramee isn’t your average artist. Instead of using wood for his sculptures, he uses books. Carving out beautiful landscapes and amazing buildings out of reference books and encyclopedias, his works are true masterpieces. Take a look at some of his most stunning pieces in Kimberly Mok’s article.
  • Can TV writers write books? Apparently so, if you take a look at Dick Wolf, a famous script writer, and his new book, The Intercept. Read about the book’s plot and Dick Wolf’s experience writing the novel in this article.
  • In a new study conducted by Science Daily, Facebook posts were more memorable than quotes from books. An article on Huffington Post discusses the study and its results.
  • A Texas judge is in the process of starting the first paperless library. This library will have e-books only, with a hundred e-readers to lend out to families who don’t have one. Read about the library in this article.
  • What is it about books that makes them so captivating? Sean McHugh isn’t sure. All he knows is that he’s addicted.
  • We’re told that the future is just over the horizon. E-books are becoming more popular; and the future of books is, of course, a completely digital reading experience. But that’s not what I think. I think that the future is already here – books are here to stay.

The Future Is Already Here

by Emily Roberts on February 16, 2013

We hear it everywhere. Books are disappearing; the digital era is here; we don’t need books any more; print is old-fashioned. In Texas, the world’s first ‘bookless’ library is set to open. They will rent out e-readers and provide e-books for anyone who cares to stare at a screen instead of flipping through the pages of a physical, printed book. You’ll hear that this is the future – digital books. But is this true? Could we really be moving towards an age where printed books are antiques? Many people don’t think so.

Sean McHugh admits in his article that he’s hopelessly addicted to books. He might not even end up reading all the books he buys – it’s just enough to buy them. There’s something special about libraries and bookstores, he explains. Sure, the Internet makes research easier. But in many ways, it can’t match up to the authority that a printed book holds. A book, once it has been published, won’t change. It will be around for years. The internet is constantly changing as people update and add information. E-books aren’t the future. They’re a new medium, certainly. They’re a new way to experience books. However, we will always have printed books. The future is already here.

A Passion for Books

by Emily Roberts on February 15, 2013

What is it about books that makes them so special? You can download an ebook, sure, but it’s not the same as purchasing a book that you can hold and smell. It might not even be one that you’ll ever read. As Sean McHugh explains in his article, he might not even end up reading the book – it’s enough just to buy it.

The Future of Libraries?

by Emily Roberts on February 14, 2013

In Texas, Judge Nelson Wolff is making an effort to introduce the world’s first public library – without books. Instead, the library will be completely digital. No paper, no library scent, no sounds of flipping pages – just the clacking of a keyboard and the occasional cough or two. Could this really be the future of libraries? Read Beth Buczynski’s article and decide for yourself.

Facebook vs. Books: Which One Do You Remember?

by Emily Roberts on February 13, 2013

Surprisingly, a study has concluded that remembering Facebook updates is a lot easier than remembering sentences from books. Scientists took anonymous Facebook updates, random sentences from books, and pictures of people’s faces, and then performed an experiment using this information: which one do people remember better? Read about the results in this article on Huffington Post.

From the Big Screen to Paperback: Dick Wolf’s Journey

by Emily Roberts on February 12, 2013

Dick Wolf started out as a TV writer. His famous ‘Law & Order’ franchise kept people coming back for more. When Dick Wolf wrote his book, he tried to do the exact same thing. He explains about the differences between TV writing and book writing – and what he had the most trouble with throughout the switch – in this article by John Jurgensen.

Sculpting Books

by Emily Roberts on February 11, 2013

Artists use many different tools – paintbrushes, paper, pens, pencils, clay – and they create many different things – paintings, sketches, sculptures, etchings. This unconventional artist from Canada uses a different medium for his artwork: vintage books. Kimberly Mok talks about this artist and his amazingly thoughtful pieces of artwork.

Summary of Posts: February 10th 2013

by Emily Roberts on February 10, 2013

The first month of 2013 is almost ended, and, surprisingly, printed books haven’t vanished. We’re still seeing a love of books, book adaptations, and writing. In this cycle, we talked about the rising popularity of book rentals, the most anticipated book adaptations, and some kindergarteners with style.

Are Book Rentals Becoming More Popular?

by Emily Roberts on February 9, 2013

As books grow more expensive, rentals are becoming more and more popular. After all, once you’ve read a book, you’re finished with it (unless you’re like me, with a compulsive re-reading disorder). Renting books is just cheaper. Plus, if you’re a hoarder – as in, the library and your house have been mistaken for each other – renting books saves space. Amazon realizes this, and they’re introducing a new option for their books: renting with the Kindle. This plan is still in its prototype form, and it definitely needs some work, but it’s a sign of how popular rentals are becoming.

Amazon’s program has a couple of kinks to work out. Not only are they only renting digital copies of their books, they also charge the renter money depending on how long the book is rented. A digital copy is nothing like the feel of a solid book in your hands or the smell of a new book’s pages. And with the pay-per-loan length, Amazon isn’t giving renters a good value. BooksFree is a book rental company that rents real books, charging only a fee for membership. And if you’ve been lucky enough to receive (or even give!) BooksFree’s new gift membership, then you know how a book rental should be done. Instead of buying a book for someone, consider giving them access to thousands of books – books they can hold and touch and feel.

Kindergarteners Write Their Own Story

by Emily Roberts on February 8, 2013

Usually, we’re learning to read at the age that these kindergarteners are. However, these remarkable 5- and 6-year-olds are learning to write – and have even published a couple of books. These books about kindness were a joint effort by two kindergarten classes in the Judge Oscar De La Fuente Elementary School, according to this article by Francisco E. Jimenez.